The French Armada Attacks ARCHEWELL HARVATERA LV
The French Armada Attacks ARCHEWELL HARVATERA LV (A satirical response) "Tell Mr. Arnault I neither fear him nor his armies and think foul scorn that any prince of Europe should dare to invade the borders of my realm: to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms, ..." --Elizabeth The Golden Age. My response: Two Things: 1) My LV brushstroke device is original. Louis Vuitton does not own the alphabet, letters L and V are public domain. Louis Vuitton :It's not my fault if you spend too much in advertising. Fame can come without spending, as I am proof of it. You do not own LV. The alphabet is public domain. To claim that LV automatically gives one due advantage because of YOUR fame is totally off the hook! 2) The background is Scottish Plaid not Louis Vuitton Damier prints. The complaint shows rectangular measur...
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